Ebook Advanced Personal Training : Science to Practice (2016, Paperback) EPUB, FB2


Effective fitness instruction and training programme design require an exercise specialist trainer to combine professional experience with strategies underpinned by scientific evidence. This is the first comprehensive fitness instruction and training programme design resource to explore the evidence-base of effective programme design, drawing on cutting-edge scientific research to identify optimum training methods and dispel some common myths around fitness training. Putting clients' training goals at the centre of the process by focusing on their most common objectives - such as improving general health, enhancing cardiorespiratory fitness, decreasing body fat and increasing muscle mass - this book helps the reader develop a better understanding of the physiological principles at the core of successful programme design. Simple to navigate and full of helpful features - including applied case studies, example training programmes and guides to further reading - it covers a variety of key topics such as: pre-exercise health screening lifestyle and fitness assessment nutrition cardiorespiratory (endurance), resistance and core training recovery from exercise. An essential text for fitness instructors, personal trainers and sport and exercise students, this book provides an invaluable resource for fitness courses, exercise science degree programmes and continued professional development for exercise professionals.

- Advanced Personal Training : Science to Practice (2016, Paperback) read online book FB2, MOBI, EPUB

Pain, ironically, renders too many beautiful voices mute; it cripples the body, leaving too many dancing souls lost.You'll be stoked about waking up and attacking your day.Presenting cases that reveal the inner workings of the suicidal mind, Shneidman offers an insight to help understand and prevent suicide.A workbook for using symbolic acts to heal the unconscious mind - Provides several hundred successful psychomagic solutions for a wide range of specific psychological, sexual, emotional, and physical problems, from stuttering, eczema, and fears to repressed rage and hereditary illnesses - Details how practitioners can develop unique psychomagic solutions for their patients - Explains how psychomagic bypasses the rational mind to work directly with the unconscious for quicker and more enduring change Traditional psychotherapy seeks to unburden the unconscious mind purely through talk and discussion.Greater happiness.Children and their parents will learn about the vast array of physical activities in the world today, as well as the importance of being active.Why do physicians who've taken the Hippocratic Oath willingly cut into seemingly healthy patients?And when other victims vanish from the same upscale neighborhood, worry turns to terror.Written in easy-to-read and upbeat language - the ultimate nutrition guide for healthy living today.This concise, encyclopedic, beautifully illustrated guide to food and nutrition explains how the food we eat interacts with the body and how we can make the best nutritional choices.As a greater proportion of the world's population is living longer, there has been increased interest in understanding the role of nutrition and exercise in long-term neurological health and cognitive function.